61 results
Discussion Paper on Proposals to Revise the Bailiwick’s Financial Regulatory Infrastructure for Lending, Credit & Finance
The purpose of this Discussion Paper is to seek feedback from all interested parties on potential proposals to amend aspects of some of the Bailiwick’s supervisory and regulatory laws. Please note that this survey is an abridged version of the full Discussion Paper, a copy of which may be found via the hyperlink below. The online survey provides the ability to answer all questions, and has been structured to provide sufficient information from the Discussion Paper to help inform the... MoreClosed 24 October 2016 -
Rules for Special Purpose Insurers
During October and November 2016, the Commission consulted on proposals to amend the framework underlying the Insurance Business (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 20002 with the making of rules for Special Purpose Insurers and a related, minor amendmetns to the Insurance Business (Solvency) Rules 2015. MoreClosed 11 November 2016 -
The Bailiwick's Regulatory Framework for the Provision of Pensions Products
In October 2016, as a result of a request from the States of Guernsey, the Commission published a discussion paper on the supervision and regulation of pension schemes and providers. The discussion paper outlined a suggestion to revise and modernise the Bailiwick's regulatory and supervisory framework of pension schemes and their providers. As a result, in April 2017, the Commission published proposed Pension Licensee and Scheme Conduct of Business Rules for consultation. MoreClosed 12 December 2016 -
Basel III: Liquidity
In November 2016, the Guernsey Financial Services Commission consulted on proposals to amend the minimum regulatory liquidity requirements that apply to licensed deposit takers that are incorporated in Guernsey. MoreClosed 30 December 2016 -
Consultation on Revisions to the Bailiwick's AML/CFT Framework
The Policy and Resources Committee of the States of Guernsey ("P&R") and the Guernsey Financial Services Commission ("the Commission") are consulting simultaneously on revisions to the Proceeds of Crime legal and regulatory framework. The revisions bring the Bailiwick’s AML/CFT framework into line with international standards issued in 2012 by the Financial Action Task Force, as well as addressing recommendations made by MONEYVAL following its mutual evaluation of Guernsey, the results of... MoreClosed 31 July 2017 -
Lending, Credit & Finance Consultation Paper
Bailiwick residents are not immune from an over reliance on credit following the prolonged low interest rate environment or unaffected by unscrupulous lending. The Bailiwick shares potential lending hot spots, which have been publicised in the UK; for example a lack of understanding of the terms of a Personal Contract Plan (“PCP”) for a new car, or unaffordable loans. The Commission in conjunction with the States of Guernsey wants to ensure that for the first time Bailiwick... MoreClosed 15 September 2017 -
Draft Financial Services Business (Enforcement Powers) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2017 - Engagement with the financial services industry
On 30 October 2015, the States of Deliberation approved the Policy Letter submitted by the Policy Council on the Revision of the Financial Supervisory and Regulatory Laws. Representatives of the States of Alderney and the Chief Pleas of Sark had previously indicated their support for the proposals which followed a public consultation process. The Law Officers of the Crown together with the Commission and with the assistance of members of industry, have produced the draft Financial Services... MoreClosed 2 October 2017 -
Draft Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2018 - for Engagement with the financial services industry
On 30 October 2015, the States of Deliberation approved the Policy Letter submitted by the Policy Council on the Revision of the Financial Supervisory and Regulatory Laws. Representatives of the States of Alderney and the Chief Pleas of Sark had previously indicated their support for the proposals which followed a public consultation process. The Law Officers of the Crown together with the Commission and with the assistance of members of industry, have produced the draft Protection of... MoreClosed 11 April 2018 -
Draft Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Businesses and Company Directors, etc (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2018
On 30 October 2015, the States of Deliberation approved the Policy Letter submitted by the Policy Council on the Revision of the Financial Supervisory and Regulatory Laws. Representatives of the States of Alderney and the Chief Pleas of Sark had previously indicated their support for the proposals which followed a public consultation process. The Law Officers of the Crown together with the Commission and with the assistance of members of industry, have produced the draft Regulation of... MoreClosed 11 May 2018 -
Insurance Regulation Omnibus Consultation (April 2018)
The consultation made proposals in respect of the Rules and Guidance applicable to insurers licensed under the Insurance Business (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2002. MoreClosed 29 May 2018 -
Consultation on Proposals to Develop a Guernsey Green Fund
Climate change represents an urgent and potentially irreversible threat to human societies and the environment. It is recognised as a common concern for governments around the world and, as such, there is a global agenda to reduce the harm being done to our planet. In accordance with international climate obligations, sufficient financial resources are required in order to implement policies, strategies and regulations to contribute to the meaningful mitigation of climate change. Green... MoreClosed 1 June 2018 -
Approved Assets Regulations for Insurance Managers and Intermediaries
The consultation made proposals in respect of the Regulations applicable to Insurance Managers and Insurance Intermediaries licensed under the Insurance Managers and Insurance Intermediaries (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2002. MoreClosed 18 June 2018 -
2018 General Insurance Public Survey
This survey is seeking feedback from members of the public on their experiences in purchasing insurance products and when making claims on their insurance. It is hoped that responses will identify common trends, which will be explored by the Commission in a thematic review of Guernsey insurance brokers later this summer. The review poses the question “Are customers treated fairly?”. The Commission will release its conclusions on this question, which will include the results of the... MoreClosed 31 July 2018 -
Revision of Laws Definitions For Engagement
On 30 October 2015, the States of Deliberation approved the Policy Letter submitted by the Policy Council on the Revision of the Financial Supervisory and Regulatory Laws. Representatives of the States of Alderney and the Chief Pleas of Sark had previously indicated their support for the proposals which followed a public consultation process. The Law Officers of the Crown together with the Commission and with the assistance of members of industry, have produced a draft Protection of... MoreClosed 27 August 2018 -
Draft Banking Supervision (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2018
On 30 October 2015, the States of Deliberation approved the Policy Letter submitted by the Policy Council on the Revision of the Financial Supervisory and Regulatory Laws. Representatives of the States of Alderney and the Chief Pleas of Sark had previously indicated their support for the proposals which followed a public consultation process. The Law Officers of the Crown together with the Commission and with the assistance of members of industry, have produced the draft Banking... MoreClosed 27 August 2018 -
Green Insurance in Guernsey - Discussion Paper
This paper considers how the Bailiwick might become a supportive jurisdiction for green insurance. The paper has adopted a wider scope than is usual in a Discussion Paper as it covers not just regulatory changes but also wider sectoral issues relevant to the local insurance industry. The paper focuses on two areas. 1. How the Commission might support the development of green insurance in Guernsey through regulatory change. 2. Private sector... MoreClosed 29 March 2019 -
Discussion Paper on Proposals to Create a Single Fiduciary Handbook and Revise Pension Rules
Introduction Purpose of the Discussion Paper The Commission seeks to regulate and supervise financial services in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, with integrity, proportionality and professional excellence, and in so doing help to uphold the international reputation of the Bailiwick of Guernsey as a finance centre. Consistent with the Commission’s objectives, the proposals in this Discussion Paper are designed to enhance the levels of confidence and security in the Bailiwick’s... MoreClosed 30 April 2019 -
Consultation Paper on Revised Pension Rules
Introduction Purpose of the Consultation Paper The Commission seeks to regulate and supervise financial services in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, with integrity, proportionality and professional excellence, and in so doing help to uphold the international reputation of the Bailiwick of Guernsey as a finance centre. Consistent with the Commission’s objectives, the proposals in this Consultation Paper are designed to enhance the levels of confidence and security in the... MoreClosed 7 November 2019 -
Consultation Paper on Proposals to Create a Single Fiduciary Handbook
Introduction Purpose of the Consultation Paper The Commission seeks to regulate and supervise financial services in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, with integrity, proportionality and professional excellence, and in so doing help to uphold the international reputation of the Bailiwick of Guernsey as a finance centre. Consistent with the Commission’s objectives, the proposals in this Consultation Paper are designed to enhance the levels of confidence and security in the... MoreClosed 7 November 2019 -
Discussion Paper - Funds Growth Omnibus
Introduction The Commission seeks to regulate and supervise financial services in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, with integrity, proportionality and professional excellence, and in so doing help to uphold the international reputation of the Bailiwick of Guernsey as a finance centre. The purpose of this Discussion Paper is to seek feedback from all interested parties on potential changes to the regulatory framework under the Protection of Investors... MoreClosed 2 September 2020 -
Discussion Paper on Ancillary Vehicles
Introduction Purpose of the Discussion Paper The Projets de Loi for the Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Businesses and Company Directors, etc (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020 (“the 2020 Fiduciaries Law”) and the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020 (“the 2020 PoI Law”) were approved by the States of Deliberation on 18 August 2020 [1] (see Billet D’état XVII 2020 here ... MoreClosed 5 October 2020 -
Discussion Paper on the New Fiduciary Licence Categorisation
Introduction Purpose of the Discussion Paper The Projet de Loi for the Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Businesses and Company Directors, etc (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020 (“the 2020 Fiduciaries Law”) was approved by the States of Deliberation on 18 August 2020 [1] . (see Billet D’état XVII 2020 here https://www.gov.gg/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=128687&p=0 ) The 2020 Fiduciaries Law will introduce two new categories... MoreClosed 5 October 2020 -
Consultation on Guidance for Custodians of Open-Ended Collective Investment Schemes with Indirectly Held Assets
Purpose of the Consultation Paper The Commission seeks to regulate and supervise financial services in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, with integrity, proportionality and professional excellence, and in so doing help to uphold the international reputation of the Bailiwick of Guernsey as a finance centre. The purpose of this Consultation Paper is to seek feedback from all interested parties on a proposed Guidance Note made under the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey)... MoreClosed 21 October 2020 -
Cyber Security Rules and Guidance Consultation Paper
Introduction Purpose of the Consultation Paper The Commission seeks to regulate and supervise financial services in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, with integrity, proportionality and professional excellence, and in so doing help to uphold the international reputation of the Bailiwick of Guernsey as a finance centre. The purpose of this Consultation Paper is to seek feedback from all interested parties and stakeholders on the introduction of a set of Cyber Security Rules under... MoreClosed 2 November 2020 -
Consultation Paper - A Green Investment Discount for Life Insurer Capital Requirements
The purpose of this Consultation Paper is to elicit feedback on the scope, structure and design of a "Green Discount" for life insurer capital requirements. The Commission is proposing to amend the Insurance Business (Solvency) Rules, 2015 to introduce a Green Discount. The Green Discount would reduce the capital requirement applicable to spread risk for the green fixed income assets of life insurers that chose to adopt it. The intention behind this is to encourage green,... MoreClosed 18 November 2020 -
Consultation Paper on Proposals for Non Guernsey Schemes
Purpose of the Consultation The Commission seeks to regulate and supervise financial services in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, with integrity, proportionality and professional excellence, and in so doing help to uphold the international reputation of the Bailiwick of Guernsey as a finance centre. Consistent with the Commission’s objectives, the proposals in this Consultation are designed to ensure that the rules framework under The Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law,... MoreClosed 27 January 2021 -
Consultation Paper on Proposals for Private Investment Funds
Background In July 2020 the Guernsey Financial Services Commission published a Fund Growth Omnibus Discussion Paper [1] (the “Discussion Paper”) seeking feedback on proposals in relation to the Private Investment Fund Rules 2016 (the “PIF Rules”) [2] . The PIF Rules require that a Private Investment Fund (“PIF”) has within its structure a licensee responsible for management. When considering an application for the registration of a proposed... MoreClosed 1 February 2021 -
Spring Green Consultation Paper
The Spring Green Consultation Paper proposes an addition to the Finance Sector Code of Corporate Governance, to take specific account of climate change considerations; and two minor modifications to the Guernsey Green Fund Rules. The consultation paper, Finance Sector Code of Corporate Governance, Funds Growth Omnibus Discussion Paper and Thematic Review 2020-2021 of the Guernsey Green Fund Regime can all be accessed from the links below. MoreClosed 5 May 2021 -
Amendments to the Banking Rules on Accounts, Disclosure & Large Exposures
The purpose of this Consultation Paper is to seek feedback from stakeholders and interested parties on the issues contained in the paper and the proposed revisions to the relevant rules and guidance issued under the Banking Supervision (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020 (“The Law”), which is intended to replace the Banking Supervision (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 1994. This includes the Banking (Accounts) Rules 1994 and the Large Exposure Policy. The proposals in this... MoreClosed 11 May 2021 -
Consultation Paper on Ancillary Vehicles
Background Under the current legal framework, some entities and activities which are closely related to a fund structure or a controlled investment fall within the scope of the Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Businesses and Company Directors, etc (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2000 (“the Fiduciaries Law”). Whilst acting as a general partner of a Guernsey fund is and will continue to be covered by an exemption under the Fiduciaries regime [1] ... MoreClosed 17 June 2021
61 results.
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